Sunday, April 11, 2021

A Poor Attempt To Get More Fun Out Of This Whole Affair

 In the words of an experienced blogger...

A special thanks to Fuji, who comments on ALL of my posts. It's very nice to have someone who always comments, because then you never have to have a post with 0 comments, which is rather depressing.

Come on, guys. He's the only one who does. Don't be shy - I don't bite (try and find someone who bites over the internet). 


  1. Heh, heh. Sorry for not commenting on your last posts. I've been alternately busy and lazy.

    1. I appreciate how you DO comment on my blog(s). This is admittedly a very poor attempt, and you don't need to be sorry, but I know that people may be shy, so the purpose of this post was to let them know that I'm not restrictive like some others.


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