Friday, August 6, 2021

Lucky Hall Of Famer Number 9 - Rube Marquard

    Rube Marquard was a starting pitcher for the New York Giants, Brooklyn Bums (I mean Dodgers), and Boston Braves from 1908 through 1925. He had a lifetime record of 201-177 (.532). Marquard's 3.08 ERA looks good, but it is actually above the Hall of Fame average of 3.00 and was only good for an adjusted ERA of 103 (with 100 being the league average for his time). Any questions? 
    Now, Marquard was a good pitcher with over 200 wins and some pretty neat career accomplishments, but come on. He was only slightly above average for a dead ball era hurler. He simply stuck around for a while. Only about 1% of all MLB players make it into Cooperstown, but if every player as good as Rube Marquard were in, the Hall of Fame would lose most of its luster and become far less meaningful. 

My opinion: Rube Marquard is not a Hall of Famer. 


  1. In the '60s and '70s there was a small wave of elections due to The Glory of Their Times, as players like Goose Goslin who were featured in the book got elected. And Marquard. Who, as you might know, made up much of his story.

  2. Remember earlier in the year when we were ridiculing the Liam Hendriks signing? It's just the first year, but so far it looks like we were wrong. Oh well.

    Isn't it weird that now the White Sox have both Hendriks and Kimbrel?

    1. Well, they have good relief pitching. I don't know if it's weird, but it certainly is interesting.

      When we were "ridiculing" the Hendriks signing, it looked as if it would be an extremely risky deal, and I don't entirely trust it now, but it does look like it worked out for the best. Just in case other readers want in on this, is it okay if I include the link?



2025 Hall Of Fame Ballot Results