Wednesday, January 26, 2022

2022 Hall of Fame Ballot Results

The BBWAA has voted on this year's Hall of Fame ballot, and the results have been made available to the public. 

David Ortiz - .779 of the vote 

Barry Bonds - .660 

Roger Clemens - .652

Scott Rolen - .632 

Curt Schilling - .586 

Todd Helton - .520 

Billy Wagner - .510 

Andruw Jones - .411 

Gary Sheffield - .406 

Alex Rodriguez - .343 

Jeff Kent - .327 

Manny Ramirez - .289 

Omar Vizquel - .239 

Sammy Sosa - .185 

Andy Pettitte - .107 

Jimmy Rollins - .094 

Bobby Abreu - .086 

Mark Buehrle - .058 

Torii Hunter - .053 

Dropoffs from future ballots 

Joe Nathan - .043 

Tim Hudson - .030 

Tim Lincecum - .023 

Ryan Howard - .020 

Mark Teixeira - .015 

Justin Morneau - .013 

Jonathan Papelbon - .013 

Prince Fielder - .005 

A.J. Pierzynski - .005 

Carl Crawford and Jake Peavy - both squat 

    The Hall of Fame made its worst decision in history in the exclusion of Curt Schilling, an obvious first ballot Hall of Famer. Nobody in the universe believes that Schilling's career doesn't merit induction. He has been a victim of the cancel culture, as he is an outspoken conservative. 
    I have decided that I no longer care who is in the Hall of Fame and who is not. I will still write for this blog and for my book (including future articles on Joe Nathan, Tim Hudson, Jonathan Papelbon, and A.J. Pierzynski), but since I have a good understanding of who should be in and who shouldn't, it doesn't really matter to me. Everyone has his own personal Hall of Fame, and I am simply sharing who could be in mine. I never really looked at the Hall of Fame as a plausible end in itself, since the Hall of Fame over the years has done a pretty awful job. Now that they've gotten political and nasty, I cease to care about who is in the actual shrine at Cooperstown, since the people who voted them there are obviously less qualified to vote than I am, for example. 
    Congratulations, Big Papi, for your first ballot entry. And I am more open to forgive you, BBWAA, since you opened the door for Scott Rolen's induction, shut it on Bonds and Clemens, and will do the same to A-Rod in the future. 


  1. A lot of my people on Net54 are angry at David Ortiz being elected, while Bonds, Clemens etc. are still unelected. David Ortiz tested positive himself.

    I agree with you about not caring too much about who's in the actual Hall of Fame. Since the very start it's been horribly inconsistent.

    I personally am fine with David Ortiz being elected -I'd also be okay with Bonds etc. But, yeah, it doesn't matter a whole lot.


2025 Hall Of Fame Ballot Results